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I started reading articles like this for maybe 10 years. I don’t read them often but every now and then. I will. I find there is extreme focus when you get to this part of your life.
That is the end of it.
It is an article about what people most regret when they know they are about to pass. For the most part they have been consistent over the years.
Sometimes the order is different but the top 5 usually stay about the same.
Here they are: (I’m paraphrasing)
I wish I lived my life on my terms.
I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.
I wish I had the courage to express my feelings.
I wish I kept close with friends.
I wish I focused on happiness.
Let me add a few:
I wish I made that phone call.
I wish I would have said I’m sorry.
I wish I would have forgave.
I wish I wrote that book.
I wish I started that business.
I wish I would have invested more time with my kids.
I wish I would have …
I had a close friend that passed. We had some conversations like this although he didn’t have many regrets. He lived a full life. When you talked to him before, he knew he was passing. You can hear the fullness of life. He could have a deep discussion about almost anything and he usually had an experience to go along with it.
He was at peace… at the end.
What will you say?
This is what Own Your Future is about.
It’s about taking control of your life.
Removing “I wish”
If you are not sure how to go from I wish to peace.
Enroll in our Kickstart Program.
Inside you will gain:
Have a better understanding of your wants and needs
Create Vision for Your Future
Build and Action Plan
Stop Wishing Start Doing
Until Next Time…
P.S. Here is the link to the article if you would like to read it.
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