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split image. On one side, a fierce warrior queen from the movie "The Woman King" stands tall and proud, bathed in warm sunlight. On the other side, a person sits peacefully in a meditative pose, surrounded by swirling mist and ethereal light. Connecting the two halves is a bridge made of stepping stones

What’s stopping you

September 14, 20242 min read

I was watching a movie today called Women King. I won’t go through the movie but it was based in Africa and the 1830’s. It had tribal war and slavery as the running theme.

I’ve noticed lately that I've been seeking for more wisdom and specificity.

Wisdom related to Own Your Future.  I find small messages everywhere.

It is based on a group of women warriors of the African kingdom of Dahomey. Near the end of the movie the King was making a speech and he said something to the effect of:

To be free we must be free in our minds. Not the exact quote but it was something like that.

Own Your Future is about Freedom.  It’s about experiencing all 5 freedoms.  Financial, Time, Location, Purpose, and Relationships.

It all starts with your mind. 

Before any of these are possible you must first experience it in your mind.

So here is the question: What do you need to start believing mentally to start living a life of freedom?

What fundamental beliefs do you need to start building the life of your dreams,{{contact.first_name}}?

How to get started.

Open your journal or wherever you capture your thoughts.  You do have a place, don’t you?

Use these prompts to identify your limiting beliefs.

If time, money, and ability were not a factor what would you do? Be as descriptive as possible.

After you write it down, your mind will immediately start coming up with reasons why it will not happen.

Write those down too.

Then write three or more ways to overcome each of the reasons you will not be able to do the thing you listed.

The hard work is now down.

You now just do the thing to start overcoming… Keep going through your list until you are living your dream life.

Simple but not easy…

Let me know how this works for you.

If you have trouble coming up with ways to overcome your issues.  Send me an email, perhaps I can help.

Life DesignAchieve Your DreamsLimiting BeliefsMental FreedomOwn Your Future
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Major Williams

Entrepreneur | Transformation Leadership | ERP Implementation Expert | Real Estate Investor An entrepreneur and leader with extensive experience in implementing solutions for complex problems with strategic insight and communication to maximize results Experience in Entrepreneurship, Transformation Leadership, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), and Personal Growth

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