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Will AI replace me?

Will AI replace me?

December 19, 20233 min read

“Will AI replace you. Yes. No.. Maybe...” - Major Williams

Will AI replace me?

Will AI replace me?  That is a thought that crosses many people's minds.  Including mine… and I work in the technology field.

I have the answer to your question.

Yes. No.. Maybe…

I believe all of these are true statements.  I even considered having AI write this post..  I presented some prompts to see what came out.  Really for some background information.

Let’s face it.  History has proven. Technology has replaced and displaced humans in every industry.  From agriculture to the technology itself.

How do you know which of the 3 responses fit you?  It's all about how you choose to operate moving forward.

If you think you have it all figured out and don’t need to change. Your answer is, Yes.

If you decide to tool up and learn new skills and how to use technology, Your answer is, No.

If you wait too late to learn the new skills, Your answer is, Maybe.

Lets review the history of technology.

In the industrial age, machines were the technological innovations from using steam to power equipment to using machines to build and create things.

Machines have revolutionized many industries, from textiles to agriculture to transportation. Tasks that were once done entirely by hand are now mechanized or assisted by machines. For example, textile mills have become highly automated, and agricultural machines help with both planting and harvesting. Even industries like coal mining, which once relied completely on human labor, have been transformed by technology.

Not to say this is all bad.  Many of these industries were dangerous to work in and have resulted in many health related issues.  However, it also displaced people who depended on them for a living. Those impacted had to learn a new skill to support their families.

I mean the coal industry is almost non-existent.  What causes this technology?  There are cleaner ways to fuel equipment and homes.

Technology went further by creating automation.  Machines are now creating machines. With automation, a plant can produce more products with 60 people than another without automation with 120. In some cases, also reducing defects.

Then there are the digital revelations. In our pocket, We essentially carry computers as powerful as it took to reach the moon. Literally, a room full of mainframe power sitting in your lap or your back pocket.

And now we have AI…

I no longer need to take notes in a meeting or have someone do it for me.  I just click a button before a meeting starts and receive an accurate summary of the meeting with action items within minutes of the meeting finishing. 

I used to have to wait a day or at least a few hours for a person to get that done for me.  I can also have a script of the entire meeting to review specifics.  I can reference while in the meeting if needed.

So, when people ask. Will AI replace me or humans in the future?

The answer is it is up to you. Life is going to change no matter what, it's up to you to determine how that change impacts you.

Until next time…

AIArtificial IntelligenceTechnologyFuture of WorkIs My job Safe
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Major Williams

Entrepreneur | Transformation Leadership | ERP Implementation Expert | Real Estate Investor An entrepreneur and leader with extensive experience in implementing solutions for complex problems with strategic insight and communication to maximize results Experience in Entrepreneurship, Transformation Leadership, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), and Personal Growth

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